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Kusuri-bako: The Japanese secret to a longer life.™Juveriente's Blog

Writer: A Juveriente Blog WriterA Juveriente Blog Writer

Updated: Nov 6, 2018

It sounds intriguing, right? Kusuri-bako. What is it?

With that name, it could be a wonder drug or perhaps a new life philosophy. Well, to find out, I must first admit to a guilty secret of mine.

kusuri-bako Japanese Medicine Box Photo
kusuri-bako (Medicine Box)

When I visit friends at their homes, I have a quick peek inside their medicine cabinets. I am hopefully not alone in this. Anyway, it turns out that every Japanese woman has a kusuri-bako, as we do in the U.S. It is the Japanese word for a medicine box.

It may appear mundane, but there must be some amazing things in those boxes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Japanese women are top of the global league table for life expectancy. To live long, independently and healthy…. that is a great goal to aim for. We all want to live longer but we want to ensure that we can enjoy living longer. With regards to life expectancy, here in the U.S., we don’t do too badly. In Japan, women, on average live for an extra five years. And what’s more, it is an additional five years of healthy living.

“Take me to the kusuri-bako!” I hear you shout.

Now, having rummaged around in various kusuri-bako, I shall introduce to you another Japanese word. Jōshiki, which means common sense. Japanese women adopt a practical, common sense approach to their health. It is now well known, that as women age, their hormone levels fall and the need for certain vitamins and minerals increases. Japanese women respond to these changing levels by going to their kusuri-bako and taking out their dietary supplements to support their bodies. Sound like common sense? It is. Jōshiki.

For Japanese women, it’s jōshiki to take supplements to encourage healthy bones and to help avoid the onset of weaker bones (osteoporosis). It’s jōshiki to take supplements to support the body through the menopause; to minimize the main symptoms of hot flushes, dry skin, anxiety and disturbed sleep. And it is common sense, jōshiki, to boost the body’s natural systems to help with anti-ageing: flexibility, suppleness of joints, youthful skin and clear eyes. Something that we all aim for.

With regards to looking after themselves, Japanese women are the same as American women; rather than go for regular check-ups, they only tend to go to the doctor when there is a problem. However, jōshiki compels them to do what they can at home, to manage their health. With their supplements and regular non-strenuous exercise, they are giving their bodies the best chance of navigating through life’s changes in the best, most supported way. If your body is working well, then we all know that leads to you feeling better and happier.

Should you decide to follow the jōshiki advice and your friends happen to notice that you are more active, happier and looking healthier than ever, you can simply say it’s thanks to your kusuri-bako.

P.S. Friends, I shall keep the secrets of your kusuri-bako.



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