Stepping into B to C transactions can be risky, but we knew it was our only choice when we decided to start our new brand, Juveriente™.
We started out as a B to B, handling food and supplement ingredients from Japan to the USA, but along the way we realized many things about Japanese manufacturers:

1. Domestic Focus: Most small-medium sized Japanese manufacturers are domestically-minded; they focus their efforts on the saturated, homogenous home markets. They work tirelessly to secure even the smallest advantage in the Japanese markets, but they rarely look overseas to the potential of international markets.
2. Popular Ingredients: We often found incredible ingredients when we were working with these Japanese companies. Many products were well-known throughout the entire country, but they were unheard of outside of Japan.
3. Healing Properties: Our focus is items in the natural health industry. We learned about ingredients like patented Aglymax (aglicone isoflavone) and Beta Cryptoxanthin (carotenoid from a traditional Japanese mandarin orange). These ingredients have anti-aging properties for men and women that reintroduce vital hormones into the body and stimulate bone cell growth.
4. High-Quality Standards: Japan has high-quality standards for botanical and natural ingredients, standards that are on par with other developed countries like the United States. Their products are verified, researched, and highly sophisticated. The industrial standards of Japan prioritize product quality, function, and safety. Even with the fluctuations of the Japanese economy, product quality standards are maintained at the highest-level.
5. Bringing Japanese Ingredients to the US: We wanted to introduce these ingredients, known throughout Japan for their benefits, to US dietary supplement manufacturers. We knew that these Japanese products could improve many of the American supplements for two reasons:(1) These ingredients had already proven their success in

Japan, and Japan is a country known for its health and beauty. It was ranked as the 5th healthiest country in the world based on life expectancy, infant mortality rates, health expenditure per capita, and unemployment rate.
(2) These ingredients would be the first of their kind in the US, an opportunity to introduce something revolutionary and effective into the market.
6. Manufacturing Complications: But, the reality was different. US dietary supplement manufacturers rarely accepted our proposals, with the exception of a few standout successes. We believe the buyers and developers of these industries were hesitant because:
(1) The ingredients we proposed are still unknown in the US.
(2) The ingredients we proposed are often more expensive than recognized ingredients which are often imported from China.
It is far easier for these manufacturers to get approval for new products when the products are within a fixed price range and contain well-known vitamins and supplements that they use to generate buzz with slogans like: “Try Our Special Formula” or “Containing Rich Quantities of X Famous Ingredient.” But unfortunately, the US dietary supplement manufacturing companies remain blind to the opportunities found in tested and true ingredients from

foreign markets. For the American manufacturers, it’s all about the quick sell, rather than real, lasting results.
7. Helping the Customers: Because of all these experiences, we realized there was only one solution: we would have to work with the customers directly. We want to introduce these ingredients, supplements that have already been tested and proven effective in the Japanese market, to the American market. Our target audience is men and women who want to combat the detrimental effects of aging, specifically related to weakened bone cell structures, hormonal fluctuations, depressive moods, and the dermal effects of aging.
We want to offer something that is truly effective for Americans who have tried many different supplements and have exhausted all options. We want to provide something that can truly resolve debilitating health and aging issues. So, we’ve created the first product line of Juveriente to directly help the customers.
8. Ishoku Dogen: This process hasn’t been without its challenges. We have only ever done B to B transactions, and this is our first B to C trial run. The price of our first product line is on the high-end because we use only the highest-quality ingredients that we have found after years of working with Japanese manufacturers.
We call our products “Natural Plus,” because they have true, natural ingredients that have been known in the Japanese market for years. Our slogan, “Be Beyond Natural,” encourages customers to look into the history of these Japanese supplements. Natural products are more than an “all-natural” label.
Ultimately, we hope that our products reflect the oriental concept of “Ishoku Dogen,” meaning “Food is medicine,” or “Eat well, live well.” Beauty comes from what we put in our body.
Our products are not only natural, but are high-quality and have proven results.
Our products are not only traditional, but they are also created using the highest safety standards in the industry.
9. Our Product Line: Our first product line has two items: Effisoy and Bone Strength Complex.
Effisoy is a supplement that enhances DHEA, a hormone responsible for triggering other hormonal functions in the bodies of men and women. More DHEA in the body can result in a more positive mood, minimized depression, enhanced estrogen and menopausal relief for women, and increased hormone production for men.
Bone Strength Complex capsules combat the effects of osteoporosis by preventing the destruction of bone cells and stimulating the growth of existing cells.