We are all used to hearing about the long-lived Japanese. It is amazing and inspiring to read about them. Sometimes though, it seems that we can never hope to learn their secrets; even if we follow their advice. Is there a magic formula for this good health? A secret food item perhaps, or the number of calories they eat or the amazing genes of the population? Something is working.
For a long time, Okinawa, in Japan boasted the longest-lived inhabitants in the world. In recent years though, Nagano Prefecture, also in Japan, has surpassed Okinawa.
Nagano in Japan? Never heard of it? Well, you probably haveheard of some its residents. Nagano is famous, because of its world-famous bathing monkeys in the Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park.
Nagano, Japan is great for snow monkeys and women too.
On reading a little more about Nagano and the history of its residents, it gives us hope that in the US, that we can know some of Japan’s secrets for longer life. Why?
Amazingly, less than forty years ago, Nagano was classed as one of the unhealthiest prefectures in Japan. Strokes and heart disease were prevalent, much more so than in the rest of the country. In fact, Nagano had the highest levels of strokes in the country.
High blood pressure and headaches were common in Nagano in the past.
In the 1980’s the Japanese government decided to investigate and take action.
It turned out that the residents had a particular challenge. Nagano is a mountainous region, in a land-locked position. The locals did not consume as much fish as is common in the rest of Japan. And in order to get through their long, cold and harsh winters, over the generations the residents had become experts in pickling their vegetables. Throughout Japan, miso soup is popular if course. In Nagano, however, they lovedtheir miso soup even more. In Nagano it was common to eat it with each meal.
So, why were the Nagano population suffering from poor health? Pickling their vegetables, eating miso soup three times a day and higher consumption of preserved meats and fish, all added up to one answer.
They consumed too much sodium. As much as five times than is recommended today.
The Japanese government concluded, that the high levels of sodium in the diet, was the cause of the poor health of the region’s population. In an amazing show of forward planning, common sense and determination, the Japanese government put in health care infrastructure and education to tackle the problem. They promoted a simple two-pronged message: ”Too much sodium kills” and “let’s eat vegetables”. What made it different from other health messages, is over 3,000 people were trained to take the advice to the 2.2 million people that lived in the Nagano Prefecture. Advice was straight forward…. if you want less headaches and less strokes and less heart disease, cut your sodium levels and eat more vegetables. Importantly, the advisors, never suggested to stop eating particular meals or pickles, but residents were encouraged to look at their whole diet and make changes.
Simple advice was given to directly cut sodium intake. For example, to continue to eat miso but use less salt and less paste. Don’t have miso soup with each meal. Use soy sauce for noodles, but don’t drink the liquid from the bowl at the end. And the education teams worked with the locals to reduce the amount of salt used in their pickling process, whilst still preserving the flavor and crunch.
It is easy to be cynical about such central health campaigns. Can government propaganda encourage meaningful changes?
Well it can, and it has. There are 43 prefectures in Japan. In the list of healthiest and longest-lived citizens of Japan, forty years ago, Nagano women were 26th. Now, they are number one. What’s more residents of the Nagano Prefecture now eat more vegetables than anyone else in Japan. Period.

So, we know it works. What can we do in the US to help ourselves? Well, you’ll find some tips hereto cut your sodium intake. Plus, here are the top four foods in the US that deliver most of American’s daily sodium.
(1) Pizza
(2) Cold cuts of meat
(3) Cheese
(4) Bread
Interestingly, none of these are common in Japan. These are all processed to some degree and all use salt as a preservative in addition to flavor. Try to cut down on these and other processed foods and you’ll notice a difference to your health; particularly your blood pressure. If you get headaches these might then reduce in frequency or severity.
The results from Nagano are evidence enough. Use less salt. Eat more vegetables. Live longer.
That is something that we can all manage.
Looking at the women of Nagano, they are the living evidence.
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